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brimful - 5/23/2011 4:26:55 PM
Using same kentico installation in multiple web application projects
Hi there

I've been tasked with finding out if there is a way to achieve a way where by we deploy a single kentico instance in IIS and be able to use that same kentico instance with new and existing web application solutions. That is that I want to achieve something like:

- Kentico Instance (binding:,,

- WAP1 (binding:
- Virtual directory mapping to Kentico Instance above
- Bin directory contains kentico.dll
- Templates directory contains kentico template pages

- WAP2 (binding:
- Virtual directory mapping to Kentico Instance above
- Bin directory contains kentico.dll
- Templates directory contains kentico template pages

Note: All 3 sites will run under the same AppPool.

The reason why we want to do it this way is because we don't want to deploy a new Kentico instance (linked to an already existing database) everytime we create a new web application project nor do we want to have all our web application projects under 1 massive kentico solution. I guess what we're trying to achieve is a way to use Kentico as a component that takes care of all of our CMS needs across all of our sites.

Many thanks in advance


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brimful - 5/23/2011 4:33:10 PM
RE:Using same kentico installation in multiple web application projects

the Kentico instance bindings need only have but we would still like to get to the cmsdesk from and



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 5/26/2011 6:54:45 AM
RE:Using same kentico installation in multiple web application projects

I am not exactly sure how your configuration should look like.

If you need to run multiple sites in one installation you could follow instruction described in Configuring multiple websites article.

Another possibility is to configure Nested web sites.

You can set 2 sites in IIS, both pointing to the one project folder.

But I think that you are looking for setting, where there would be 3 sites in IIS, 3 partial project folders and everything would be managed from one place. Unfortunately, this is not possible.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova