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Armysniper89 - 11/30/2010 7:13:00 PM
Changing Who Gets Workflow Emails
I have a workflow created with a custom step for Approval. I have it assigned to our Content Editors custom role for approval. I am not in that group but I am the Global Administrator. I keep getting workflow approval emails even though I am not in the approval role. Can I restrict that somehow? I have looked everywhere for where I can change this.


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aim - 12/13/2010 3:47:56 PM
RE:Changing Who Gets Workflow Emails
This is the help info. on the workflow notification. I know we had some tweaking we had to do with this to get it to work the way we want.
E-mail notification in workflow process

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 12/22/2010 3:49:39 AM
RE:Changing Who Gets Workflow Emails

As article above states, the workflow process automatically notifies:

1. Members of the authorized roles.
2. Document author.

What is not mentioned in documentation is that it can notify also user/role with “Manage workflow” permission. You can see this permission in CMSDesk -> Administration -> Permissions -> Modules / Content matrix.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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jonm-latinlink - 6/14/2011 9:30:21 AM
RE:Changing Who Gets Workflow Emails
Is it possible to have various roles set up that do have "manage workflow" permission, but not get workflow process email notifications sent to them?

I have one particular role that I want to get notifications sent to, and no-one else. The problem is the other roles need "Manage workflow" permissions.


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kentico_michal - 6/24/2011 6:24:48 AM
RE:Changing Who Gets Workflow Emails

Regrettably, it is not possible to define notification emails only for one particular role. However, you can turn off e-mail notifications in the workflow process in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content Management. Then, you can use workflow handler to send emails to users of the appropriate role. You can take advantage of several methods (OnAfterPublish, OnAfterReject etc.) and use each of this method to notify only members of one particular role.

Best regards,
Michal Legen