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steve-sparkinn - 7/12/2011 11:37:25 AM
File Types
How do i add new icons for file types (docx, xlsx, etc.) in the media library on a Media gallery? My transformation is using the UIHelper.GetFileIconUrl but I can not find a way to add the new types.

Folder where file icons are stored:


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 7/20/2011 8:02:50 PM
RE:File Types

These files (extensions) are not hard-coded within that method. It uses them dynamically, so you can simply copy proper icon within folder you mentioned and it should be bound to your file type automatically. However, the name of that file must be the same as file´s extension, and extension used in settings.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik