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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Precompiled Web View modes: 
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caramoSC - 9/22/2011 1:01:04 PM
Precompiled Web
I need to precompile and copy to another server.

I have:
1. Exported all objects to disk
2. Precompiled
3. Copied to Development server

Problem: I can the exception in our monitoring software:
System.Web.HttpException: The file '/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx' does not exist.

The site comes up, but not styled. It is like it cannot find the style sheet.

Any ideas?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/25/2011 12:55:29 AM
RE:Precompiled Web

What are the exact steps when pre-compiling the site? Have you allowed the web site to be updatable or not? What is the exact version of Kentico CMS you use? Does that file exists in the pre-compiled web site?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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support-kuamangkuning - 9/25/2011 1:36:20 PM
RE:Precompiled Web
I want to ask, is there anything I can attach it to Indonesian.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/26/2011 2:06:00 AM
RE:Precompiled Web

I am sorry but I am not getting the meaning. How is this connected to the pre-compilation issue?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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caramoSC - 9/26/2011 8:19:48 AM
RE:Precompiled Web
kentico_jurajo wrote: Hi,

I am sorry but I am not getting the meaning. How is this connected to the pre-compilation issue?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

When I run the site without precompiling, it works fine.

I can see the physical file "GetCss" after precompiling. I will verify once more that I can run the site without precompiling, then I will precompile the site and try again.

I am allowing the site to be updatable when precompiling.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/27/2011 2:49:44 AM
RE:Precompiled Web

Which version of Kentico CMS do you use? I am using 5.5R2 with latest hotfix and it is working just fine for me - even if the pre-compiled site is not updatable.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus