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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > AD Import Utility - Not synchronizing group changes View modes: 
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BayCollege - 9/20/2011 12:40:16 PM
AD Import Utility - Not synchronizing group changes
I am trying to use the AD Import utility to synchronize an Active Directory group and it's memberships into a CMS role to define permissions with. It seems the initial run of the AD Import utility will create the role from the AD group, create the users, and associate them with the role. However, after the initial import if I run the tool again with the same profile after removing users from the group in Active Directory the users are not removed from the role in the CMS.

I have Kentico 5.5R2 w/ ultimate license. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 9/30/2011 2:27:26 AM
RE:AD Import Utility - Not synchronizing group changes

It should work, supposing the following settings in the AD import tool profile are enabled:

Update user and role data
Update user membership in roles
Delete users and roles that were deleted in the Active directory

(article Using the ad import wizard / Step 4.)

Have you applied any Hotfixes to your CMS?
There were some problems fixed, that could be related to this issue. Could you please send us an email to and refer to this forum thread, so we could send you the newest build of AD Import tool?
Thank you.

With regards,
Zdenek C.