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mwheel-osa - 8/15/2011 12:46:02 PM
Import of Content
We're in the process of planning out an import for two large sites into Kentico. We have access to the data for these sites in a relatively uniform format but having taken a look at both the SQLImporter and the 5.5 R2 CMS Import Toolkit, it does not appear that there is an automated method provided for importing content into page/menu items with an editable content area.

Does kentico currently provide any sort of import tools for importing content into the page/menu item document type? Is there a way to do this using the API?

If importing it as a page/menu item is not possible would we need to look at creating a custom document type for this content? If so does anyone have any experience doing this or recommendations for this sort of process.

When I mention this content please understand that it is not uniform content and it can and does vary by page. We do have content that fits the document types, such as news items, press releases, etc but we have a great number of pages on these sites that do not fit the standard document types.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/16/2011 2:35:51 AM
RE:Import of Content

I suppose you want to import from a non-Kentico site, right?

The content of Editable regions are stored in the CMS_Document table (the DocumentContent column) in a specific XML structure which contains a web part ID besides other properties. You are right the import tools do not support filling of Editable regions if the source site is not Kentico.

The usual approach how to import a HTML code of pages from a different source is using ASPX Templates (Integration with your existing ASP.NET application).

Optionally, you can insert the content to Editable regions of existing documents like: API sample.

You can also define a new document type and insert the content to the document type fields by the mentioned import tools and display the content on the live site.

Should you need any additional details, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova