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lethanhclub-gmail - 11/6/2011 2:02:25 AM
A question for CMSEditableRegion?
I use CMSEditableRegion control to create a new control in dot net 2010 after I added that control in to Kentico webpart. When I create a new document and used that webpart then I have to enter content CMSEditableRegion control for each document. I have so much document, I can't enter manually. Please help me.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 11/9/2011 5:50:01 AM
RE:A question for CMSEditableRegion?

By default, content of CMSEditableRegion control is bound to given document only. If you want to share it (inherit it), you can enable "InheritContent" property. If set, the region uses the content inheritance (uses the content from the first non-empty parent).

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik