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Ian Muir - 10/4/2011 1:37:05 PM
Custom URL Extensions
I'm having an issue setting a custom url extension for a page.

In the site I'm currently working on, I have extentionless urls setup. I've made the changes in IIS and the CMS Site Manager and everything is working on most pages. However, I have some pages that need an aspx extention to ensure that they work with other legacy projects.

All of the extensionless pages work. The pages that I've tried to setup a custom .aspx extension on do not resolve and result in a 404 error.

I've added the .aspx extension in the Extended Properties of the page and checked the Use custom URL extensions checkbox. The page alias with the .aspx extension is displaying in the list of aliases on the Properties > Url page.

The site is running on Kentico v5.5.3996 R2 under .NET 4.0 and IIS6.

Is there any reason these urls are working?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 10/5/2011 2:24:36 AM
RE:Custom URL Extensions

The .aspx extension should work for every page even with extensionless setup, when "aspx" is not mentioned in settings.
Could you please describe how exactly do you specify the extensions in Site manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO ->Friendly URL extensions?
Could you please try to use ";;.aspx" if you don't use that already?

Thank you in advance for information.

Kind regards,
Zdenek C.

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Ian Muir - 10/5/2011 10:22:09 AM
RE:Custom URL Extensions
When I add aspx in the Site Manager - > Settings rather than on individual pages, it works just fine.

Thanks for your help.