3/23/2012 2:56:40 AM
Import Fails with ERROR: Error importing 'System tables' objects (User) - please help
Has anyone seen this? or know what it could mean? I have tried several things to try ans solve this to no avail......
v5.5.3996 R2
ERROR: Error importing 'System tables' objects (User) Message: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: DROP VIEW View_CMS_User: caused exception: Cannot drop the view 'View_CMS_User', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Stack Trace: at CMS.DataProviderSQL.DataConnection.ExecuteQuery(String queryText, Object[,] queryParams, QueryTypeEnum queryType) at CMS.SettingsProvider.SqlHelperClass.ExecuteQuery(QueryParameters query, IDataConnection conn) at CMS.DataEngine.AbstractTableManager.DropView(String viewName) at CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.RefreshView(String viewName) at CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.RefreshCustomViews(String tableName) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.UpdateObject(SiteImportSettings settings, IInfoObject infoObj, Boolean siteObject, DataSet ds, TranslationHelper th, Boolean updateChild, Int32 targetSiteId, ProcessObjectEnum process, Hashtable importedParentIDs, ArrayList postProcessList) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjects(SiteImportSettings settings, DataSet ds, String objectType, Boolean siteObjects, TranslationHelper th, Boolean importChild, ProcessObjectEnum processType, Hashtable importedParentIDs)