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al.lx - 3/13/2012 3:40:06 AM
securing the cmsDesk and the cmsSiteManager
I was advised to insinrer the tag < META NAME = "robots" CONTENT = "noindex, nofollow" > on the page : logon.aspx to prevent robots indexing the pages, side Admin.

My question is: is this sufficient on this single page or have to do on all pages in the directory CMSSiteManager and CMSDesk?
thank you for you help and have a good day for anyone here !

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 3/15/2012 4:33:52 AM
RE:securing the cmsDesk and the cmsSiteManager

No, you don't have to registred all pages in those two folders, because robots can index only sites, which are accessible through a link from a livesite or from already indexed page, so you can prevent robots to index only those two logon pages to CMS Desk and Site Manager.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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al.lx - 3/15/2012 8:58:34 AM
RE:securing the cmsDesk and the cmsSiteManager
ok thank you Very much Jan !!
have a good day