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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > warning message during installion of a vimeo webpart View modes: 
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Member - 9/24/2012 8:01:12 PM
warning message during installion of a vimeo webpart
Maybe it is trival matter but we had to cancel the install of Vimeo web-part because we get two warning messages
1- Red warning message:
"You are about to import package from older version This package may include versions of files for objects Inline controls or web parts which may not be compatible with the new version..."
2- another notes:
" ...The existing object are markets with * and will be overwritten if checked".

we appreciate if someone can explain to us why we are getting those two messages?
Kentico Rev: 5.5 3996 R2


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 9/25/2012 6:33:44 AM
RE:warning message during installion of a vimeo webpart

Well, these messages are self-explaining.

First message means that the export package you are importing comes from an older version that the current instance. It should not be a problem for our objects, as it is backwards compatible, but you should keep this in mind when importing custom objects. The reason is that something may have been changed since previous version, typically API, so you should keep this in mind and update your custom code if necessary.

Second message means that if you are importing some objects which already exist in the target instance (like users, page templates, and so on), they will be overwritten if you check their checkboxes.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik