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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Database migration View modes: 
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Leandro Brito - 5/23/2012 6:40:47 AM
Database migration

We want to migrate our kentico database for a sql server cloud database. I'll do the backup/restore of database and alter the webconfig file connection string.

That is all need to do or need some more procedure?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm2 - 5/23/2012 7:17:50 AM
RE:Database migration

I am not familiar with specifics of the target server, However, usual approach is what you wrote. Back-up on server A, restore on server B and update connectionString in the web.config file.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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Leandro Brito - 5/23/2012 7:27:30 AM
RE:Database migration
Thanks Radek,

Any problem on the migration, I come back here.

Best regards