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esb1982-yahoo - 2/9/2010 7:36:23 AM
Database Setup-step3

Sqlserver personal edition 2005
Microsoft windows Xp professional 2002 servise pack 3

Is there any body there that knows any thing about this error:
ERROR: An error occured: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ( [CategoryID] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [CategoryDisplayName] nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, [CategoryParentID] int NULL, [CategoryName] nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, [CategoryGUID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, [CategoryLastModified] datetime NOT NULL, [CategoryImagePath] nvarchar(450) NULL, [CategoryChildCount] int NULL, [CategoryTemplateChildCount] int NULL, [CategoryPath] nvarchar(450) NULL, [CategoryOrder] int NULL, [CategoryLevel] int NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK__CMS_PageTemplate__2C3393D0] PRIMARY KEY ([CategoryID]) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [IX_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_1] UNIQUE ([CategoryPath]) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [UQ__CMS_PageTemplate_CategoryName] UNIQUE ([CategoryName]) ON [PRIMARY] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_CategoryChildCount] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [CategoryChildCount] ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_CategoryTemplateChildCount] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [CategoryTemplateChildCount] IF OBJECT_ID(N'[CMS_PageTemplateCategory]') IS NOT NULL AND OBJECT_ID(N'[CMS_PageTemplateCategory]') IS NOT NULL AND OBJECT_ID(N'[FK__CMS_PageT__Categ__2E1BDC42]') IS NULL BEGIN ALTER TABLE [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__CMS_PageT__Categ__2E1BDC42] FOREIGN KEY ([CategoryParentID]) REFERENCES [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ([CategoryID]) NOT FOR REPLICATION END CREATE INDEX [IX_CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ON [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ([CategoryParentID]) WITH ( ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [UQ_CMS_PageTemplateCategory_ptcGUID] ON [CMS_PageTemplateCategory] ([CategoryGUID]) ON [PRIMARY] : caused exception: Line 54: Incorrect syntax near '('.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 2/9/2010 11:21:01 AM
RE:Database Setup-step3

Are you sure, you are not using MSSQL 2000? This exact error message is generated, if you are using the mentioned SQL version, which isn't supported.

You can find the system requirements under this link.

Best regards
Boris Pocatko