Installation and deployment Questions on installation, system configuration and deployment to the live server.
Version 5.x > Installation and deploymentfree version is showing expiration in 29 days View modes: 
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seahag-sabbycat - 1/11/2010 11:33:02 AM
free version is showing expiration in 29 days
I downloaded the free version and installed it on my local machine, IP In the CMS Desk, there's a banner at the top that says that my trial version expires in 29 days. What's up with that, please? Does the free version expire or doesn't it? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/12/2010 1:19:03 AM
RE:free version is showing expiration in 29 days

The installer file is the same for all editions, it depends which license key is used. If no license is supplied during the database install, trial licenses for localhost and are used.

Could you please check Site Manager -> Licenses tab and there are trial keys for and localhost. You need to remove them and use just the free license key for your domain name (in the license key for a domain name are localhost and 127... supported automatically).

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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seahag-sabbycat - 1/12/2010 5:24:34 PM
RE:free version is showing expiration in 29 days
Thanks for the info! Fixed it up just fine.