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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > exporting site: ad hoc pages fail to import View modes: 
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arusso-accessgroup - 2/26/2010 10:27:50 AM
exporting site: ad hoc pages fail to import
I am trying to export a simple, three page site. The site uses a specific layout designed for the site. I have chosen different export settings to make sure the page layout, template and the ad hoc documents come over, but I continually see this error:

Error loading the layout 'lt']
The file '/KenticoCMS/CMSAdhocTemplateLayouts/9fc25146-1bc2-402c-ad33-631c1b9b04c1/707283fe-5c97-455d-a35b-d20c7d2a675a.ascx' does not exist.

Any suggestions?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/2/2010 7:18:10 AM
RE:exporting site: ad hoc pages fail to import

could you please tell me if you use the Medium trust enviroment? If so, please see these articles and follow the instructions for medium trust deployment and settings:

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova