Installation and deployment Questions on installation, system configuration and deployment to the live server.
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tolga316 - 2/17/2010 8:34:57 AM
I understand that Kentico is prepping true VS2010 and .Net 4.0 compatibility, but it is very important for us to understand what this entails. Our most important questions are as follows:
- Will there be a Web Application Project (WAP) version of Kentico, so that we don't have to manually convert the Web Site to a WAP, which creates problems every time there is a patch. WAPs as of 2010 have nice features such as web.config transformation and packeged publishing which are very valuable.
- Will the new built-in url rewriting engine be used instead of the Kentico proprietary one?
- When will a new version of Kentico be ready that fully supports VS2010? Since RC is out and a lot of people have switched to it there is value for it to be offered now.
- Has Kentico paid special attention to the changes in the .Net 4.0 integrated request pipeline? Please read:

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 2/17/2010 11:38:07 AM

I believe that you have already received answers by e-mail, but for other users who may have the same questions, I am posting here what our CTO answered you.

1. We do no plan it yet since WAP is not backwards compatible with web site project, and we need to support both of them (conversion from web site to WAP is possible). However we plan to make further improvements in making the conversion and updates easier

2. No, we need the URL rewriting engine to be connected to our database and use our URL rules so there is no real advantage of doing it. But we will definitely make neccesary changes to make both somehow compatible.. (in case they aren't yet). Also, we still have to support older versions of ..NET so we cannot switch to new features that fast.

3. It will be in the next release of Kentico CMS which should be out at the end of April or beginning of May, we need to test it on final. I believe there shouldn't be any problem in going through the conversion wizard in VS2010 and use Kentico CMS with RC. We have done that with Beta 2 and there were no specific problems.

4. Not yet, we still support older versions of .NET so we cannot exactly go with the newest features introduced. So far, we recommend the classic mode.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik