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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > SEO Friendly URLS with 404 handler View modes: 
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anders-daprovider - 5/4/2010 3:05:22 AM
SEO Friendly URLS with 404 handler

We want to use a custom URL formatting for a specific page that will take care of some logic that is based on the URL.

For example

page_name exists and contain webparts that would need to read the "variable" from the URL.

Now, atm that is not possible with SEO friendly urls as the path does not exists ("/variable")

Is that something that could be handles with the error handler? If not we are thinking about the new rewrite in IIS7 that is quite neat. We would however prefer not to use that as all our webservers are not yet running 2k8 R2.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/4/2010 9:02:46 AM
RE:SEO Friendly URLS with 404 handler

you can use wildcards in URL. Please see here: Wildcards' documentation for more details.

I hope it will solve your issue.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova