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llee-multnomah - 4/26/2010 9:51:12 PM
Extension-less urls using a thirdparty url-rewrite tool
I have read through the docs on the Kentico suggested method for setting up extension-less urls. I would like to deploy something a little more general so I can use the same solution across my apps.
Has anyone used the IIS7 urlrewrite module with Kentico? I found this article - that seems pretty promising. Just wondering if anyone has found any gotchas.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/28/2010 2:02:40 AM
RE:Extension-less urls using a thirdparty url-rewrite tool

Marker studio is one of the companies using the IIS7 rewriting heavily. But last week was published this blog post and it is very interesting reading about the IIS rewriting module:

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus