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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Medium Trust Install - url's off by one level View modes: 
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genslow - 5/19/2010 10:07:41 AM
Medium Trust Install - url's off by one level
Greeting -

I recently installed Kentico to my WebHost4Life account following the instructions for an install to a medium trust environment. I started by creating a new folder in my account called \kentico then setting that as an IIS application directory. I then mapped a sub-domain name ( like to that directory. I tested this before the Kentico install by putting a sample page in the \kentico folder. came up fine.

Now that I have the Kentico files installed to that directory, every link is off by one level. Instead of, I get The physical folder name of the IIS application is getting injected in every link.

I'm not sure what to do next to resolve this. Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 5/28/2010 7:52:39 AM
RE:Medium Trust Install - url's off by one level

I'm not familiar with WebHost4Life hosting, however it seems that you will need to upload Kentico CMS web project folder files directly to the root of your hosting account. I'm not sure if it's possible to check the IIS settings on your shared hosting, however it should work then automatically without the "virtual directory".

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil

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genslow - 6/4/2010 8:59:48 PM
RE:Medium Trust Install - url's off by one level
Problem Resolved. WebHost4Life had a HttpRedirect module misconfigured. All of my subdomains were resolving back to the root folder. Once they corrected this, Kentico worked fine.