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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > ActiveDirectory on Seperate Hosting View modes: 
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eric.rovtar-hudsonchapel - 8/26/2010 5:30:00 PM
ActiveDirectory on Seperate Hosting

Can you use ActiveDirectory integration even if we'll be hosting our site on a separate server off-site?



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eric.rovtar-hudsonchapel - 8/29/2010 6:08:26 AM
RE:ActiveDirectory on Seperate Hosting
Let me ask you this as well. What happens whenever a Windows authenticated user visits the site from a home computer? Will they still be prompted to login and able to use their Windows username and password?

Am I correct in assuming that they'll first have to visit from their work computer which will setup their Windows user information in Kentico?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/30/2010 3:37:40 AM
RE:ActiveDirectory on Seperate Hosting

I do not see any problems doing so - you need to ensure that the server will be able to access the domain and active directory within it.

Also, you can consider using the mixed mode authentication to achieve your need from the second post.

Here are some useful links:
Configuring Win. Auth.
Custom security handler

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus