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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Mobile Redirection View modes: 
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msherburne-theatomgroup - 8/11/2010 3:32:37 PM
Mobile Redirection
I have a site the we have been testing on one of our development servers. The mobile redirection works great no issues, Blackberry, iPhone, Android and other mobile devices redirect. Once we moved it to the live site it no longer works. I've cleared the cache and restarted Kentico. Once I do that the redirection works for about 2 mins. Then back to redirecting me. Any advice would be great

<mobi:MobileRedirection Visible="true" ID="MobileRedirection1" runat="server" RedirectionURL="~/Mobile.aspx" />


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 8/19/2010 4:30:35 AM
RE:Mobile Redirection

The Mobile redirection web part now creates a cookie indicating if the redirection was already done. If the cookie is already created, then there is no redirection. So, the workaround in your case would be to delete following line of code from ~\CMSWebParts\General\MobileDeviceRedirection.ascx.cs file:

CookieHelper.SetValue("CMSMobileRedirected", "true", DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

We will add property called "Always redirect" for this web part in some of the next hotfix packages where editor will be able to specify whether the web part should redirect always to given URL or only once.

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias