10/11/2010 11:48:47 AM
Stuck at CMSInstall
Hey everyone -
Not sure if this is covered somewhere else.. I successfully install Kentico using IIS. When it finishes, it's supposed to give you a link (http://locahost/kenticocms/cmsinstall/install.aspx that runs the web installer to set up a database (I'm guessing..). I'm stuck at this part, though. The link I get after the install is just to http://localhost/default.aspx, and when I try to navigate to the first URL I first mention, my browser thinks I just want to download that file, instead of running the database installer. I tried installing Kentico the other way (where at the end, the link opens it up in Visual Studio, but my version of VS can't run the 'WebProject' file. So, that's why I went with installing Kentico using local IIS, instead of the Visual Studio's built-in web server.