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brabidou-wakefly - 12/14/2010 10:02:58 AM
Testing File Permissions
I am dealing with a new hosting company and I'm trying to figure out why Kentico can create and delete a file but not modify one. When i go to test the files in the new environment I get this:

Creating '~/CMSSiteUtils/TestFiles/TestFolder20101214105433/' - OK
Creating '~/CMSSiteUtils/TestFiles/TestFolder20101214105433/TestFile20101214105433.txt' - OK
Deleting '~/CMSSiteUtils/TestFiles/TestFolder20101214105433/TestFile20101214105433.txt' - OK
Deleting '~/CMSSiteUtils/TestFiles/TestFolder20101214105433/' - OK
Modifying '~/CMSSiteUtils/TestFiles/TestModify.txt' - Failed

I have asked the people at the hosting company to make sure that the Network Service Account has full permissions on the Kentico Folder but they keep insisting that it does not have to be set. Their email to me:

Hi Ben,

There are specific users made for each site as the IUSR. The NETWORK SERVICE account does not have to be set on permissions with the set up of domains on our servers. The "saXXXXne_web" user is the only user that has to have these permissions set. I have gone ahead and set this user to full control on the entire site as opposed to just that file now.


My question is when I look in the general settings for Kentico 5.5 it tells me that the ASP.NET account is the Network Service account, is it possible that they have not set the application pool user to the correct one which is why it cannot modify the file.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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Certified Developer 13
Certified Developer 13
brabidou-wakefly - 12/14/2010 10:52:00 AM
RE:Testing File Permissions
Well I figured out the issue, the people at the hosting company did not change the user that the application pool was running under.

If anybody else runs into this make sure that you check to see what user account Kentico is running under (located in Site Manager > Administration > System > General Tab > "ASP.NET Account") and make sure that user has permissions on the folder where Kentico is is installed.