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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Error moving news documents on CMSDesk View modes: 
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Leandro Brito - 5/10/2012 12:39:18 PM
Error moving news documents on CMSDesk

I'm getting the following error when I move a news for other PageItem:

The worker thread has been aborted, this might have been caused by the application restart. Please check if the action succeeded and repeat the action if not.

The server has a webfarm and the configuration sincronization is the default. I think the problem is webfarm because on development server the error does not happen.

Can you help me?

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Leandro Brito - 5/10/2012 12:46:43 PM
RE:Error moving news documents on CMSDesk
I've got the same error deleting a news document. The document was deleted after several attempts.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/10/2012 2:18:59 PM
RE:Error moving news documents on CMSDesk

Are there set any limits in the IIS for given application pool? Like CPU or Memory usage?
Could you please check the Windows Event viewer for more details why the application thread was killed?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Leandro Brito - 5/11/2012 7:42:17 AM
RE:Error moving news documents on CMSDesk
Hi Juraj,

I'll check the application pool with the server administrator and post here.

Can you give me more details about Windows Event that should I look like section, source or event type?

Leandro Brito

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/11/2012 10:35:31 PM
RE:Error moving news documents on CMSDesk

In the Windows Event viewer look for any exceptions related to application shut down.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus