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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Error on CMS Desk View modes: 
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nwandy - 1/15/2010 10:59:15 AM
Error on CMS Desk
Hi Everyone,
I'm a new Kentico user and I'm developing my first web project with Kentico. All things went well, I ended up and published the site with the version 4.0.
(you can see it at www.asdbacigalupo.it)

Now I've just updated to 5.0 and all seems working. But if I go to the CMS Desk to edit a page, and go to put a new media (for example, a new image on a page) clicking the "Insert/Edit Image or Media" icon, the opening pop-up page shows me this asp error:

Compiler Error Message: CS00117: "CMS.GlobalHelper.ImageHelper" does not contain a definition for 'GetFilelconUrl'.

Source Error:
Line 465: imgParams.Url = ImageHelper.GetFileIconUrl(this.Extension "List");

Source File:

I absolutely have no idea of what happened. And of course I didn't edit a line of the internal code, doing all the site with Kentico Interface. Could you give me some help to fix it?

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nwandy - 1/19/2010 7:44:24 AM
RE:Error on CMS Desk
Noone could help me?

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nwandy - 1/19/2010 8:26:37 AM
RE:Error on CMS Desk
I just tried to create an empy new site with CMS Manager Wizard. Once it's created he gives the same error.

It's very strange that nobody else has got the same problem, I start thinking it's a bug of the new Kentico release...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 1/20/2010 2:33:02 AM
RE:Error on CMS Desk

Could you please describe in more details how exactly you have upgraded to version 5.0? The upgrade procedure has not been released yet.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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nwandy - 1/20/2010 12:12:15 PM
RE:Error on CMS Desk
Hello Martind
I've not done any upgrade. I Just downloaded the latest Kentico Release and installed it on my development area. I went to cms Site Manager and clicked "New wizard site".

I followed the following steps:
- step1: create a new site using the guided procedure
- step2: insert the new site data (name, code name, domain name, site culture)
- step3: import objects: I left the default settings (flag on: Assign all objects to the imported site, Run the site after import , Import files, Import tasks)
- step 4: ended the procedure and run the site

All seems working, but when I click the “Insert/Edit image or media” link, then shows the error I wrote in the firs topic.

Maybe could be a DB connection problem? I’ve already imported data from an existing db I used for my first Kentico website, already published with the 4.0 version...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 1/21/2010 7:53:32 AM
RE:Error on CMS Desk

it seems there is old (4.0) version of ImageControl inline control as following line where error occurs is in version 4.0, but not in version 5.0:

Line 465: imgParams.Url = ImageHelper.GetFileIconUrl(this.Extension "List");

Could you please confirm you have installed Kentico CMS 5.0 into different directory than version 4.0? Could you please let me know if you encountered any other similar issue?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek