Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Custom Payment Gateway View modes: 
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jszczygiel-pgs-soft - 6/26/2012 8:39:55 AM
Custom Payment Gateway

I am developing custom payment gateway for our kentico based shop. I have issue on step going from step 5 to 6 of payment flow. User is not forwareded into my custom payment control. I currently have setup ascx file under /CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/PaymentGateways/KlarnaGatewayForm.ascx and assambly as a part of soultion in another project. While debuging kentico non of breakpoint are fired from those two files.

Debuging of ShoppingCartPaymentGateway.ascx shows that no payment method has been loaded into ShoppingCartControl object.

What is wrong with my setup?

I am using kentico 5.5

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/26/2012 10:04:25 AM
RE:Custom Payment Gateway

Is the checkout step registered correctly (customizing the checkout process)?

Also, just to be sure, have you followed the custom payment gateway documentation?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus