Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > EditableText webpart used in custom control View modes: 
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anshuman.shandilya-aonhewitt - 5/28/2012 10:22:38 AM
EditableText webpart used in custom control
I need to create a custom control ReadBox.ascx which has a CMS.EditableText control in it. I uses ReadBox.ascx in my webpart code 3 times. But once I add different text for 3 ReadBox.ascx (from cmsdesk->Page view), I see same text in all 3 ReadBox.ascx. This text is the one entered for last ReadBox.ascx. So structure looks like

------> (custom control) ReadBox.acsx -----> CMS.EditableText
webpart (test.ascx)------> (custom control) ReadBox.acsx ------> CMS.EditableText
-------> (custom control) ReadBox.acsx ------> CMS.EditableText

Could it be becoz, id of CMS.EditableText is same for all instances of ReadBox.ascx. But as I am using it in a custom control, it will be one id.

Please help!!

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/31/2012 5:18:00 AM
RE:EditableText webpart used in custom control

Please see this knowledge base article: How to add multiple custom web parts with multiple editable text web parts in it.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova