Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Tag List View modes: 
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eric.rovtar-hudsonchapel - 6/30/2010 3:15:23 PM
Tag List

I know that this is perhaps a stupid question, but can someone explain the basic process to create a list of tags in my ASPX template?

I've added the tags through CMS Desk to the page Metadata, but how do I add the markup/code to generate a list of tags, not a cloud.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 7/6/2010 7:10:37 AM
RE:Tag List

What exactly do you mean by "list of tags, not a cloud," please? If you want to show tags related to current document, you can use Tag cloud web part. This web part is used to display tags that are associated with the current document. If this is not what you want to achieve, could you please describe the difference between result of Tag cloud web part, and requested behavior? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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eric.rovtar-hudsonchapel - 7/9/2010 10:48:07 AM
RE:Tag List
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what a Tag Cloud is but I want it to look something like this:

Tags: Tag1, Tag2, Tag3



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eric.rovtar-hudsonchapel - 7/19/2010 3:11:31 PM
RE:Tag List
Does anyone have any more feedback on this?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 8/8/2010 2:24:17 PM
RE:Tag List

Tag cloud web part is showing tags as per selected site name and tag group. Tag groups are defined in Site Manager -> Development -> Tag groups, and you can add tags to given page in its Properties -> Metadata -> Page tags. If you want to have them of the same font size, you can set Minimal tag font size and Maximal tag fotn size to same values. Or do you mean you want to show tags for selected page only? Thank you for further clarification.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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SunnyOoi - 6/27/2012 8:07:18 PM
RE:Tag List

I added one or more tags per product. When I create Page (Menu Item) to display certain products, can I list the selected products that with certain tags? For example, I want to have a page only display products that with Floral tags and another page of products with Animal tags.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm2 - 6/28/2012 5:25:31 AM
RE:Tag List

You can easily use a Where condition property of the given Repeater or Datalist web part, e.g. like this: DocumentTags LIKE '%Apple%'

Or, you can use custom filter and pass selected tag value into a Where condition via query parameter.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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SunnyOoi - 6/28/2012 12:33:53 PM
RE:Tag List
Thanks Radek,

I used the Where Condition under Content Filter in my Web part properties (Datalist). I entered the code: (DocumentTags LIKE '%Floral%'). The storefront shows "No products found". FYI, I grouped these tags under Page Tag Group "Products". Does this matter?

Can you please advise where went wrong?

Also can I insert multiple tags in this Where Condition? Let's say Floral, Fruit, Plant, and Dragonflies. Please advise how to write these conditions.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 7/1/2012 5:13:20 PM
RE:Tag List

in case you remove the condition is the document displayed?

Could you please make sure that tag was really added to the document? You can check it also in the CMS_Document table.

As for multiple conditions, you may write semething like:

DocumentTags LIKE '%firstValue%' OR DocumentTags LIKE '%secondValue%'

You could also create a custom filter which you could connect with a data source web part.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova