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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Newsletter templates View modes: 
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david.hutson-eastsussex.gov - 3/8/2010 8:21:45 AM
Newsletter templates
Hi complete newbie,

I have created a newletter template under Site Manager > Development > E-mail newsletters > Global but it does not appear when I switch to CMS Desk > Tools > Newletters.

I can create a new newsletter template in CMS Desk > Tools > Newletters but there is no option for plain text email only html email. Am I doing something wrong should I be able to set both here. I need to make sure that the newletter can be sent as HTML and plain text.

I am Running v5.0.3708 so I should be up to date with latest hotfixes.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/9/2010 10:58:17 AM
RE:Newsletter templates

You are right that you can define newsletter templates in CMSDesk -> Tools -> Newsletters -> Template section. In current version, you can define html version only, the plain text option is not available. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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david.hutson-eastsussex.gov - 3/10/2010 2:29:23 AM
RE:Newsletter templates
Thanks for your reply. It's a shame it doesn't support text version. Is this omission on purpose or just in the pipeline for development.

Can you answer my original question

I have created a newletter template under Site Manager > Development > E-mail newsletters > Global but it does not appear when I switch to CMS Desk > Tools > Newletters.

This does allow a text version but I can't see how to access it from the CMS Desk. Everything appears to be setup in Site Manager but no sign of it from CMS Desk. Also I can't see any of the other email templates.



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/11/2010 5:23:26 AM
RE:Newsletter templates
Hello Dave,

we are considering allowing newsletters to be a plain text as a new feature for next versions.

The newsletters templates do not relate to e-mail templates in Site manager (they work e.g. for notification e-mails).The newsletters have their own templates in CMSDesk. It is not possible to use templates from Site manager for newsletters.

However, you could develop a custom module which would send e-mails according your needs. The sample code of sending e-mails with template by API: How to send an email using the email template.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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david.hutson-eastsussex.gov - 3/11/2010 7:25:30 AM
RE:Newsletter templates

Thanks for clearing this matter up. I will take a look at the link. I hope you can produce this feature soon as it would allow Kentio to be an email newsletter campaign platform as well as a great CMS. Here is a link to the text only email standards