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CodeMaster2008 - 3/28/2010 2:20:48 PM
Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)
Hi there;

I'm a Kentico CMS newbie and could use some help to understand a few things.
I'm comming from DotNetNuke and even though Kentico is very firendly and intuitive i couldn't figure something out yet.

I will post a few of my many questions here and hope somebody can point me to a direction.

A) All portals I'm planning to migrate has an image rotator on the home page. On DNN i use ASP Slideshow (http://www.aspslideshow.com), is there something similar to Kentico or i have to build my own from scratch?

B) Is there a built in functionality to integrate it with Google Analytics?

C) Is there a way to switch the entire look and feel of the website as we can do with DNN, just changing the default skin?

D) Let's say i setup a website for a radio station, can i export this setup and use as a template to create other radio station websites? Something to make it easyer to deploy, so i don't have to start from ground up everytime.

E) Let question for now. While playing around with the free version i couldn't get a image gallery working (and it's essential for all my portals as well).

I end up with a blank page. Here is what i did:

1- Under the root item i select "New" and "Page (menu item)"
2- I named it "Galleries" and select the template "List of galleries"
3- Right click on the new page (Galleries) and select new "Image gallery"
4- I gave it a name, description and Teaser image.
5- Right click on the new "Image gallery" and select "New/File"
6- Added files (one by one)

When o go back to the "Galleries" page, it's empty. So, I'm probably doing it the wrong way, right?
Also, do i have to upload pcitres one by one? Isn't there a way to upload all of them without using an FTP client?

Thanks in advance.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/29/2010 7:37:40 AM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)

A) You could use Content slider or Scrolling text web part. You may find working web parts at Examples section of sample Corporate site.

B) We have our built-in Web analytics module. However, you may download a web part for google analytics on Market place.

C) You may use different stylesheets at Site manager -> Development -> CSS stylesheets. Every page can have a different stylesheet (document Properties -> General).

D) You may use Import/Export functions: documentation.

E) Could you please check the web part properties? (Especially, Path and Transformations.) Web part documentation
You may use File import tool.

Optionally, you may use Media library and use FTP (External upload section) to upload new files.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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CodeMaster2008 - 3/29/2010 9:56:43 PM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)
Hi Helena;

First of all thanks for the information.
For the slider, i tried the "Content Slider" but wasn't able to make it work as well.
Here is a very short video of what i did (2 minutes), maybe you can tell me what i missed:



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/1/2010 3:47:43 AM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)

You need to select Transformation to make it work.

You can install some sample site (I would recommend you Corporate site). There is an Examples section where are all web parts. You may see their setting to know what is needful.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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CodeMaster2008 - 3/30/2010 2:02:28 AM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)
kentico_helenag wrote: E) Could you please check the web part properties? (Especially, Path and Transformations.) Web part documentation
You may use File import tool.

As for the "File import tool", if i got it right, first I will have to use a FTP client to upload the files to the "CMSImportFiles", right?

The idea behind Kentico is amazing, the way things work and are organized are pretty impressive. However an easy to use slider (with different anymations) and an option to upload multiple files to a "photo album" using the browser are so important to still be missing on such a great piece of software.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/1/2010 3:52:25 AM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)

Yes, you upload files to the folder (/CMSImportFiles or use the settings to configure another one) via FTP. Then File import tool import it to Kentico database and create nodes of content tree for your files.

If you upload files via browser you can need to select one by one. I will suggest a new feature of uploading multiple files via browser I understand it would be helpful.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/1/2010 6:18:09 AM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)

I am back with news. We already plan that feature to 6.0 version (the next version after 5.5). It could be released by end of 2010.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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CodeMaster2008 - 4/1/2010 12:20:39 PM
RE:Setting up an image gallery (among a few other things)
Really good news. Thanks a lot.