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Johnno - 3/13/2010 9:51:32 AM
classic ASP under Kentico website
I'm currently helping to set up a new Kentico CMS web site that also has some classic ASP applications.

I have one classic asp application in its own folder under the Kentico site and several small asp forms within iFrames on CMS pages.

One problem I've had with all of the ASP code is that I can no longer use "Request.Form" without getting an error message. I've resorted to making all asp forms use the "get" method and processing form content with querystrings.

Is this problem with using Request.Form a common issue or is there some configuration setting in Kentico or IIS that would allow my ASP forms to run without modification?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/19/2010 3:48:56 AM
RE:classic ASP under Kentico website

You need to configure IIS to handle both scripts. What I found using Google was one suggestion to create separate virtual directory for the ASP pages you have, under the main web site.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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TonyG - 3/24/2010 2:32:55 PM
RE:classic ASP under Kentico website
Still send it post and instead of Request.Querystring('var') or Request.Form('var') just do Request('var')

it will pick it up.

Also, as long as IIS allows the .asp extension you should have no problems running it under the same site. They shouldn't even conflict with each other.

If its under IIS 6 go to web service extensions and make sure asp is set to allow.

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Johnno - 3/24/2010 2:47:26 PM
RE:classic ASP under Kentico website
Hi guys and thanks for the replies.

I finally managed to get the classic asp apps working by putting them in a location outside of the KenticoCMS site and creating an application under the Kentico site and directing it to the classic asp folder. I also created a new unmanaged application pool to run the asp apps under.

The strange thing about using request.form under the Kentico folder is that some forms worked for a short period of time and then failed on the request.form code lines. I did try variations of request.form like "request.form("myvalue")", "request.item("myvalue") and just "request("myvalue")".

I'll be doing more testing today to make sure all is well. The site goes live next week so it's a nervous time :-)

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/31/2010 2:40:49 AM
RE:classic ASP under Kentico website

If I am getting the right meaning, you were able to make it work outside Kentico CMS web project, but there are still some issue? If so, in this case I do not think that it has something to do with the CMS and it seems that there are some IIS or other system settings not set correctly.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Johnno - 3/31/2010 2:52:48 AM
RE:classic ASP under Kentico website

Yes I believe you're correct. I'm fairly sure that this is an issue with Classic ASP applications and IIS with Windows Server 2008 R2.

I have the problem application (the one requiring forms and the POST method) running as an application outside of the Kentico site and I've also created a non-managed application pool to run the app in.

We've had our Kentico site running live for three days now with no issues and I've convinced my manager that I need some training with the newer versions of IIS.

We're very happy with the Kentico CMS so far.