Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Path expression problem! View modes: 
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pmcquain-bayshoresolutions - 4/23/2010 10:48:46 AM
Path expression problem!
I have a folder/custom doc structure like this:
/Classes <- MenuItem/Page
/Descriptions <- MenuItem/Page
Foo <- Custom Document Type
/More <- MenuItem/Page
Bar <- Custom Document Type (same as Foo above)

/Classes/Descriptions and /Classes/Descriptions/More both use the same page template, which contains a CMSDataList web part. I want the datalist on /Classes/Descriptions to display only Foo and the one on /Classes/Descriptions/More to only display Bar.

When I set the path in the DataList to ./% everything works below /Classes/Descriptions, ie. they only show the documents contained in the current node. However, /Classes/Descriptions is showing ALL the documents recursively. How can I specify it so it doesn't recurse down the tree?


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pmcquain-bayshoresolutions - 4/23/2010 12:11:35 PM
RE:Path expression problem!
I found one way to fix it by specifying Maximum Nesting Level to 1. This seems to be preventing the recursive behavior.