Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Performance View modes: 
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omar.daher - 5/20/2010 5:34:39 AM
Hello Dears,
I have an issue on Kentico performance

I use the free edition of Kentico versions 5.0 & 4.1, I had hosted them in a shared hosting server, the performance was so bad, so I decided to transfer the hosting onto VPS hosting, it became better, but still I have uncomfortable performance.

to overcome it I have used the caching features based on your recommendations

but still I have something uncomfortable...this happens if I left the websites for minutes without exploring it.

normally the website is loaded within 2-4 seconds, but when I left it for a while it takes about 40+- seconds...

I want to hear from you if you have ideas/suggestions for me that may help

if you need more details, please tell me

try these sites:
http://www.arabchildprotection.com/ (v5.0)
http://english.arabchildprotection.com/ (v5.0)
http://haifaag.com/ (v4.1)

Thanks and Regards,
Omar Al-Daher

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/22/2010 6:00:04 AM
Hello Omar,

This issue is caused by .NET re-compiles files after some period of inactivity on the web site. This issue won't probably happen on regularly visited live site, but you could create some simple application that would periodically request some page of your site to keep it live (you can execute this application from using scheduled tasks from Windows OS).

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek