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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Editable Text FCKEditor Toolbar set by Roles View modes: 
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Yalın - 5/12/2010 8:35:25 AM
Editable Text FCKEditor Toolbar set by Roles
How can we get the Editable Text Web Part to display a different toolbar set based on user roles? such as...

CMSEditors - Basic
CMSDeskAdmin - Advanced

Thank you.

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Yalın - 5/12/2010 9:23:20 AM
RE:Editable Text FCKEditor Toolbar set by Roles
I think I may be able to achieve this using the in-place macros but I need some help.

Can you please provide me an example on how If then else statements work in the in-place macros?

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish but with incorrect syntax


Editable Text Webpart (Properties) > [Behaviour] > HTML editor toolbar set > [Macro Value]

if ({%cmscontext.currentuser.userisglobaladministrator%})
ToolbarWithSource //The value I want the HTML editor toolbar to have if user is admin
ToolbarBasic //The value I want the HTML editor toolbar to have if user is an editor

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/17/2010 2:17:54 AM
RE:Editable Text FCKEditor Toolbar set by Roles

Macros are basically special strings, not programming language, so it is not possible to use conditions in macros.

In your case it would be easier to set this particular property of the editable text web part dynamically in the code behind, where you can easily check from context the current user and according to the role, you will set the propertyt oolbar as you need.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Yalın - 5/18/2010 8:54:28 AM
RE:Editable Text FCKEditor Toolbar set by Roles
I also tried another method unsuccessfully,

I assigned my version of the full toolbar but checked off accessible toolbar items for the roles that should have less through...

CMS Desk > Administration > UI Personalization > Editor Tag > [Select Role] > [Uncheck Parts]

Why doesn't this method work?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/18/2010 9:16:01 AM
RE:Editable Text FCKEditor Toolbar set by Roles

I tested it on my web site and it works correctly. I cannot see the buttons which I unchecked for testing role.

Please check:
1. If the testing user does not have any other role which would allow him to see more buttons of WYSIWYG Editor.

2. If you sign out and log in to see the changes.

3. The testing user is not a Global administrator.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova