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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Where is SQLDataSource webpart? View modes: 
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m.rutter - 5/11/2010 5:35:43 AM
Where is SQLDataSource webpart?
Hi everybody.

In my KCMS 5.0 installation I can't find the SQLDataSource web part which; I think, should allow me to connect to a database. I can see it under /CMSWebParts/DataSources/SQLDataSource.ascx (and .ascx.cs).

Is there something I'm missing?

Thank you.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/11/2010 7:57:23 AM
RE:Where is SQLDataSource webpart?

This web part is in the DataSources category (the physical path usually copies the categories in CMS) - but there are lot of them and they are divided into two pages, mentioned web part is on the second page. You can also use the search text box to look for the web parts.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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m.rutter - 5/11/2010 8:13:02 AM
RE:Where is SQLDataSource webpart?
Hi Juraj,
it's a very strange thing. I used the search button and I navigated both the pages but I can't find the web part. I even start searching selecting "All Web Parts". Nothing.

May be there is a problem on updating my installation? This is not a 5.x fresh install: I updated from 4.1.

Moreover I can't find the Web Part even looking for it in the Web Parts item in Development tab.

Thank you.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 5/13/2010 2:23:33 AM
RE:Where is SQLDataSource webpart?

Could you please go to \CMSSiteUtils\Import\upgrade_41_50.zip to see if there is that zip package? It seems that the automatic import after upgrade was not executed. If the package is there, please go to Site Manager -> Sites -> Import site or objects and import this package with the web parts to your CMS.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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m.rutter - 5/13/2010 2:49:13 AM
RE:Where is SQLDataSource webpart?
Hi Juraj. Thank you very much for your hint.

When I first clicked on the Import ... link I get an access violation error!
So I granted RW permissions to NETWORK SERVICE (for App_Data folder) and I was able to import the package. Then I manually copied some files (CMSWebParts files).

Thank you.

Kind regards,