Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Article transformation View modes: 
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vlado-starlogic - 5/27/2010 7:05:19 PM
Article transformation

I need to display on the page content of the newest article and also have on there the list of all articles. Basically the same way as the Articles work by design now – only difference is that when you hit the existing article page you get the list of articles and only when you click on one item you would get to that page what I am trying to show as first. I know I could set the page URL in the menu item and redirect to it, but this would need to be changed every time I add a new article. The business logic behind my goal is to have current/daily article (the newest one) right there when the user clicks Article menu item.
Anybody have an idea hot to achieve this in Portal Engine without need to create an aspx page?



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gavin.eggheaddesign - 5/28/2010 5:49:30 AM
RE:Article transformation
Hi Vlado

You could try creating a second 'repeater' webpart - set the path up and then 'Select top N documents' to 1 then set the Transformation to the detail view for you articles ('selected item transformation') as opposed to the preview one that clicks through to Article detail. This should deal with displaying the information of just one article on the page alongside the others in a list.

If the detail text shown is not of the latest Article item you could then try setting 'ORDER BY expression' field in the repeater webpart to something like 'ArticleReleaseDate DESC'

Hope this helps but let me know how you get on.



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vlado-starlogic - 5/28/2010 7:50:56 AM
RE:Article transformation
Hi Gavin,

Thank you for your advice. It works as you described to display the last article on the first page with the list of all articles next to it in the primary repeater. But of course when I click on an item in the list I get 2 articles: the main one plus the one I clicked. I tried to place there a cmstreemenu instead of the primary repeater but could not figure out how to show all links on the first page (root).
So I end up with a compromise: I set the primary repeater not to show on subpages (it is visible only on the first page) and do not transform – this is used on first page. The cmstreemenu is displayed on subpages.
Maybe there is a way how to configure this easier but I could not figure it out.

Thank you again,
