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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > bizform data-loss issue View modes: 
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cperras-uwb - 6/10/2010 1:46:44 PM
bizform data-loss issue
Hi -

A content editor came to me with an issue. He's has an event-registration bizform (Kentico 4.1.9), with a couple of "options" values for the dates for users to select.

The issue comes when, after that event has passed, he goes back to the page and updates the "options" values with new dates. At that point, it seems that all the old dates in the custom-table disappear.

Any thoughts on the best way to handle this problem? I could create a web-part, backed by a custom table, maybe with a where-clause (that he could edit, hopefully) to pick the date-rows he wants to view. But, maybe there's a more standard, built-in, way to handle this kind thing.

I'm still a bit of a Kentico newb, but I am familiar with web-parts, asp.net, etc.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/13/2010 2:52:18 PM
RE:bizform data-loss issue

I'm not sure how exactly you have implemented this. Do you mean you store data in custom table, or do you mean you store them in BizForm's table (so they are visible in 'Data' section of BizForm)? Could you please describe in more details where and after which action exactly the data disappear? Could you please optionally provide me with some illustrational screenshots where I could see what exactly happens?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek