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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Categories And Subcategories is possible HOw? View modes: 
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navas13-gmail - 6/14/2010 5:32:15 PM
Categories And Subcategories is possible HOw?

i have this problem i want to create a simple category list on the left of my page and on the right i want to put a article list for show the article by subcategory, but i don´t know how to interact between the controls, and the other thing is that i want to put subcategories on my catgory list, how can i do that kind of things????

Help please

LeftZone ------------------------------------- RightZone
category1 ttitle
subcategory 1
subcategory 2
subcategory 3
category2 ttitle
subcategory 1
subcategory 2
subcategory 3 --------------------------------- Here Show the article by subcategory
category3 ttitle
subcategory 1
subcategory 2
subcategory 3


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navas13-gmail - 6/14/2010 6:34:51 PM
RE:Categories And Subcategories is possible HOw?
I was checking and i can make the left zone with many categoryList but the problem is when i click on some category how i show the corresponding articles or documents on the right zone article viewer in this case, when i create the articles i assigned a category for each one but i don´t know how to display it on the right, and the other thing i want to show a default category and show that articles on the first loading, i need a lot of help with this thks


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 7/6/2010 6:54:53 AM
RE:Categories And Subcategories is possible HOw?

In current version, you can define only categories in flat structure, not sub-categories in hierarchical structure.

Anyway, as for "problem is when i click on some category how i show the corresponding articles or documents on the right zone article viewer," you need to use "Category list" web part together with "Repeater" web part onto your page, and configure them as per example in http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/using_the_category_list_web_part.htm.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik