Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Media Library View modes: 
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navas13-gmail - 6/10/2010 2:21:43 PM
Media Library
Hi everyone

i´m new on kentico and i want to make a media library like this link but i don't know how to personalize it because i know how to add files and display a common media library but don't know how to put on this way, anyideas???

on the left i will have the menu with the categories and inside are the category for videos, interactive books and files that i click on the right the media library must show all the files in some way i attach the images with the description

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Daniel Navas

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 6/30/2010 4:55:15 PM
RE:Media Library

currently, Media libraries don't support categorizing the content.
It could be however separated into different folders, that could serve as categories...

Then, your template could use multiple Media Gallery / Tree webparts, where each one would have set the default folder to match the desired category.
The Media file preview webpart have to be set to cooperate with all the webparts (the tree webparts).

I can prepare more details if you are still interested in such scenario.


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navas13-gmail - 6/30/2010 8:01:43 PM
RE:Media Library
yes i still interesting
