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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Windows Live Writer and Workflow View modes: 
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Mercer - 6/22/2010 11:08:24 PM
Windows Live Writer and Workflow
It appears when using Windows Live Writer to post to a blog, the post is automatically published to the site and skips any workflow defined. If I manually add a post, I need to check-in the post for approval. If I use Windows Live Writer, it is automatically published.

I would like the ability to have all posts approved even when using Windows Live Writer. Any suggestions?

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Mercer - 6/22/2010 11:29:46 PM
RE:Windows Live Writer and Workflow
I have been testing this as the Global Admin user. I do receive email notifications stating the document is waiting for approval, but when I check the list of documents under workflow, it shows the document as published.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 6/25/2010 4:30:51 AM
RE:Windows Live Writer and Workflow

Could you please try to read through following documentation section?


I cannot agree with you here, since the behavior is correct (I have tested it in Kentico CMS 5.5), and if you would follow the instructions from the documentation on how to post the blog post under workflow, document is not published automatically.

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.

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Mercer - 6/25/2010 2:45:39 PM
RE:Windows Live Writer and Workflow
Thank you Miroslav for the additional information.

Okay, I can see that the behavior matches what is described in the documentation.

I want to enable a role to be able to add blog posts, but be approved by another role before being published.

Reading through the documentation, it appears publish from Windows Live Writer automatically approves the document.

Any ideas on how to enable the use of WLW, but still require workflow? Thank you.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 6/28/2010 8:38:46 AM
RE:Windows Live Writer and Workflow

If you would follow the instructions from the documentation you will see that the document can be created in Kentico CMS via WLW in such a way, that it will stay in the first workflow step (Edit) when created and then someone can approve the document, but this then has nothing to do with WLW since you need to configure your workflow in Kentico CMS to behave according your needs. I mean that you need to configure the roles and users in such a way that one some user from some role will be able to approve the document.

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.

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Mercer - 7/3/2010 4:37:29 PM
RE:Windows Live Writer and Workflow
The user I was using had Approval permissions in the workflow and using WLW the post is automatically approved when published. I changed the ower of the blog to another user without Approval permissions and it worked as expected.

It appears that to use WLW, the user must be the owner of the Blog by setting the Blog Document Owner. Is there a way to enable multiple users to connect to a single blog using WLW?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 7/8/2010 6:22:47 AM
RE:Windows Live Writer and Workflow

You can connect to your Kentico CMS blog with as many accounts as you need when using WLW:


Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.