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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Showing tags in a couple of different places View modes: 
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evanmcd - 7/12/2010 5:52:51 PM
Showing tags in a couple of different places

I'm needing to show tags in a couple of different places, both of which I thought I could accomplish starting by adding a couple of fields to the Document Type I want to tag (File)

However, when I go into Development -> Document Types -> File -> Fields and try to add a system attribute I get an error.

Here's what I do:
1. Click New system attribute
2. Choose Document Attributes and DocumentTags
3. Leave field type set to Label

No matter what I do, the attribute size field is disabled with the value -1 and I get this error:

"The attribute size must be an integer number greater than zero. Length of the attribute default value string mustn't exceed attribute size."

I'm hoping that creating a couple of fields will allow me to both add the existing tags for a File into a transformation as well as allow a CMS editor to select tags from the same screen that they upload the document.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

- Evan

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evanmcd - 7/13/2010 7:06:21 PM
RE:Showing tags in a couple of different places
OK, well I'll answer my own question I guess. I found an extremely hackish way to do it: Using the Web Developer Firefox extension, I enabled the the length field that was stuck at -1 and changed it to be 100.

That's all it took. Seems like a bug in the system somewhere. Too bad I'm too late to get a tree planted for me :)

- Evan

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 7/23/2010 6:40:39 AM
RE:Showing tags in a couple of different places

Yes, you are right. This is known bug in Kentico CMS 5.5. Please try to apply latest hotfix package over your 5.5 version of Kentico CMS (http://devnet.kentico.com/Bugtracker/Hotfixes.aspx) to fix this issue.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,
Miroslav Remias.