I am new to CMS. I download all objects from cmssitemanager and i added those files to my local application. When I am trying to publish the code I am getting errors from CMSWebPartLayouts application folder.
Eng_DashBoardNewMessages---newLayout.ascx file in the CMSWebPartLayouts folder inheriting the another ENgDashboardmessages.ascxfile in CMSEngage folder.
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="~/CMSWebPartLayouts/Eng_DashBoardNewMessages---newLayout.ascx.cs"
Inherits="CMSEngage_WebParts_Misc_EngDashBoardMessages_Web_Deployment" %>
and the ENgDashboardmessages.ascx is having below code..
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="~/CMSEngage/WebParts/Misc/EngDashBoardMessages.ascx.cs"
Inherits="CMSEngage_WebParts_Misc_EngDashBoardMessages" %>
<cms:QueryRepeater ID="rptMessages" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="Messages_ItemDataBound" />
<div class="Pager">
<cms:UniPager ID="pagerElem" runat="server" />
<cms:ImageSelector />
my error is when i am trying access the "rptMessages" in Eng_DashBoardNewMessages---newLayout.ascx file.. its saying The name 'rptMessages' does not exist in the current context .....
I am unable to compile the CMSWebPartLayouts folder. Why is that? Am i missing something?