Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Field Type Calendar View modes: 
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luyolo.mhlauli-nmmu.ac - 6/14/2012 3:13:39 AM
Field Type Calendar
Currently the date and time fields make use of CMSAdminControls/Calendar/Calendar.aspx
I want to modify this calendar and only show the hour,minute and second dropdown list. I can do this by setting visible = false for other controls in this Calendar.aspx but the problem is that I dont want to mess with the original aspx. I want create a copy of and use it . How do I link this new aspx page with date and time field so that instead of selecting field type : Calendar . I can select CustomCalendar

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 6/18/2012 7:59:59 AM
RE:Field Type Calendar

where do you want to use the customized calendar exactly?

If you use it for a document type or BizForm field, you can register a new form control like: Developing form controls.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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luyolo.mhlauli-nmmu.ac - 7/3/2012 5:30:00 AM
RE:Field Type Calendar
I want to use it in Custom Table. I want to go CMSSiteManager > Custome Tables > My Custom Table > Fields Tab > Add New Field > Set Atrribute Type to Date and Time and Set the Field Type to Custom Calender instead of Calendar . I cant do that now because Calendar uses an aspx page instead of ascx control which means I cant to create a new form control and set uses this control for date and time.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 7/14/2012 10:50:14 AM
RE:Field Type Calendar

here is an information for readers of this thread.

In version 6.0:
The form control which is used by default is defined in the:

It uses Calendar folder you sended, but you can create a copy of it and define a new path in your custom form control.

Configuration of the control is also available in the file:

In version 5.5:
Unfortunately, in the 5.5 R2 is a calendar form control a part of the full source code. So you cannot change it. You can upgrade the project or write a custom calendar.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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luyolo.mhlauli-nmmu.ac - 7/17/2012 1:47:24 AM
RE:Field Type Calendar
Thanks Ivana hopefully when we update to 6 we can use this control anyways I just used javascript to replace instances of Calendar.aspx with CustomCalendar.aspx in the generated html of the webpage