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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Multiple Menus, CSS List Menu View modes: 
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Daljo628 - 7/30/2010 11:00:48 AM
Multiple Menus, CSS List Menu
I'm trying to find out how to customize which pages/nodes appear in which menus.

For example, if I have twelve pages in my site's root directory, and three menus on my master page, how do I configure each menu to take the proper menu items (nodes) for that menu (without having to create sub-folders beneath the site root for each menu to pull from)?

I'm sure you've all seen sites with multiple menus ... be it a 'main menu' right above the content, a small 'header menu' way up at the top, and a third 'footer menu' down at the bottom. Easy to do in Joomla, and I'm surprised that in a CMS as rich as Kentico, there is no built-in functionality for this that I have been able to find thus far.

I would prefer to be able to just 'pick and choose' from the menu-config which pages to include, but if it is on a page-by-page basis, where I have to go into each individual page and assign it to a category, and then somehow have each menu display only the pages tagged as a given category (and optionally their descendants), so be it.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/5/2010 5:52:28 AM
RE:Multiple Menus, CSS List Menu

we were writing e-mails about the issue. For other visitors:

Regrettably, there is not any "pick and choose" method for items in menu.

1. You can use the Where condition like this:

not (documentname like 'Home')

(the form of Where condition is same form as in SQL query)

2. You can add a special field to document types which you use (Site manager -> Development -> Document types) which will say if it should be in Menu 1 or not and then use the general Where condition instead of enumeration of included or excluded documents.

3. You can Categories. Then the Where condition can look like:

DocumentId IN (SELECT DocumentId FROM CMS_DocumentCategory WHERE CategoryId = 1)

where 1 is the ID of required category (you can know it from CMS_Category table).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova