Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > thickbox and jquery View modes: 
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kshepard - 7/29/2010 11:43:38 AM
thickbox and jquery
trying to implement thickbox on a page now. Have added javascript webpart to reference thickbox.js and one to reference my jquery.js. When I click on the link that calls this, I get a "$ is not a funtion (thickbox.js). This same script works outside of Kentico, but when try to reference it within Kentico I get this error. Is it because there is another javascript library that is in place within Kentico and it is interferring with the jquery variable $. If so, how do I work around this?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 8/4/2010 3:43:12 PM
RE:thickbox and jquery

please try to use rather $j instead of $ in your jquery.js library, it would similar to following code: ~\CMSScripts\jquery\jquery-core.js.

Hope this helps.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil