Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Page Templates, Inheritance, Page Placeholders ... View modes: 
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Daljo628 - 8/26/2010 12:56:40 PM
Page Templates, Inheritance, Page Placeholders ...
So, the basic situation is this:

I'm setting up a site for a client, and I have a given template that I've set up. It's got (for simplicity's sake) one "Page Placeholder" in it.

My question is this:

If I am using one template on multiple pages, without making needless ad-hoc copies of the template, how can I change which bit of content (read: sub-'page template') is populated into the placeholder?

For example, if I have my Master Page template, then inside of that can be either a "Front Page" or "Interior Page" template, how can I use a single "Interior Page" template to display multiple varying content displays? For example, if I want some to have a menu WebPart, and others not to, and another group of pages to have an entirely different menu WebPart.

The site-map calls for all these pages (or at least the parents of most of these pages) to exist in the site's root directory, so I can't set up some sort of sub-folder inheritance/population scheme.

Thoughts? Musings? Critique?

Just upgraded the install from 5.0 to 5.5.3789, if version matters at all to the response.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/27/2010 5:23:16 AM
RE:Page Templates, Inheritance, Page Placeholders ...

Since Page templates are used to keep unified look and feel it is not possible to have different layout on the same template - that is fully against the meanng of the word "template". In your case you have to create separate page template (or AD-HOC templates) for each different section.

Regarding the site map - what are the settings of the site map web part? In the Document types property, please select all document types you want to list in the site map. By default, only documents of Page menu item type are listed.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus