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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > cmslistmenu control selected item css class when its a redirect View modes: 
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ndeych-gmail - 8/20/2010 8:21:45 AM
cmslistmenu control selected item css class when its a redirect

I have a problem where I have a top navigation menu setup as its own page group and each item is a redirect to the actual page. I need to have a "selected" item css class to style the selected item. I cannot find a way to do this, can you please help?

My Tree:

"Top Header Links" node - cms list
"Home" page menu node with redirect to real Home page
"About" page menu node with redirect to real About page
"News" page menu node with redirect to real News page
"Contact" page menu node with redirect to real Contact page
"Home" node
"News and Events" node
"News" node

Thank you!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 8/31/2010 5:55:41 PM
RE:cmslistmenu control selected item css class when its a redirect

So the situation is that after clicking one of the menu item, you are redirected to the target - actual page (node), therefore the node in the menu is not highlighted...

This is not very good scenario for our menu/navigation webparts... however you could modify the menu webpart (clone it) and in the code, set e.g. the property
Highlighted document path dynamically (see Setting webpart properties dynamically in code) using some code that would match the current page name (or any other flag) with the node that is picked by the menu (the one with redirection).
