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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Smarts Search over multiple indexes View modes: 
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Tomek - 8/18/2010 5:57:59 AM
Smarts Search over multiple indexes
I must perform SmartSearch on more than one index at a time. However it is a risk that some results will be duplicated (exists in more than one index). Is it anyway to filter out duplicated items?

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kentico_michal - 8/19/2010 9:15:31 AM
RE:Smarts Search over multiple indexes

You do not need to worry about displaying multiple items, which are included in more than one index. Result items should be filtered so that duplicated items were removed.

Moreover, I tried to reproduce this issue and I can confirm that it worked correctly. Only one item was displayed despite the fact that two same indexes were used.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Tomek - 8/19/2010 10:57:53 AM
RE:Smarts Search over multiple indexes
Unfortunatly it does not work in my case. Take a look at:


You can see that items:
KB10500, KB10585 are listed twice

I run v5.5.3880

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kentico_michal - 8/23/2010 3:42:45 PM
RE:Smarts Search over multiple indexes

Well, I have to admit it is quite strange behavior.

Could you please write email at support@kentico.com and provide us with access to your CMS so we could investigate this issue further.

Please also include some reference to this forum post.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Michal Legen