Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Widget Based off of Repeater Does not show Doctype option View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
kmerlihan-ecentricarts - 8/12/2010 12:41:25 PM
Widget Based off of Repeater Does not show Doctype option
Hi there!

I am working with widgets and have created one based off of a Repeater web part. I have not customized this at all. When I open that widget in Site Manager --> widgets and look in the Properties tab, under Content filter, the option of "Doctype" does not exist. Is this an oversite or does something extra need to be done to make it show?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 8/31/2010 4:07:09 PM
RE:Widget Based off of Repeater Does not show Doctype option
Hi Kathryn,

Hope you've managed to solve it earlier, anyway I'll point to the most possible cause, it might be still helpful.

The article Developing widgets describes the steps needed to include properties of the original webpart in the widget as well:

6. The Properties tab includes all the properties available for the parent web part. You can notice that all of them are disabled by default. Using the Display attribute in the editing form check box you can choose which property will be available for the widget's user. Please bear in mind that any change must be confirmed by clicking the OK button.

I suppose this was (is) the missing thing here.
