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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > SEO with a multilingual site View modes: 
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Certified Marketer 13
Certified Marketer 13
james-distinctionhq - 9/3/2010 9:48:27 AM
SEO with a multilingual site
Just wondered if someone from Kentico could explain how a search engine might treat a multilingual site?

My concern is that it will see different content on the same url depending on the language chosen - I'm not sure on the impact of that when trying to rank for content?

Feedback would be great.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/6/2010 3:51:23 AM
RE:SEO with a multilingual site

You can use the Document URL path property for each document on its Properties -> URLs tab to set different URL for each document. Also, in Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO, here you can set the "Use Name path for URL path" setting - this will ensure that the document URL will be made from its name (e.g. when you will translate the document names).

Moreover, in upcoming version 6.0, there will be a setting to set the URLs for each language: www.domain.com/en/home.aspx vs. www.domain.com/de/home.aspx

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus